After being nominated as a finalist in the Ashburton Business Awards, some of the Leadership team attended the awards dinner on the 27th of May and it was a great opportunity to connect with inspiring people and businesses in the region, and for the team to bond over a few glasses of wine.

We were thrilled to take home the Highly Commended award in the Excellence in Primary Industries category and are very proud that our efforts to be leaders in the Dairy Industry are being recognised.

Carrfields won the award and having worked with them to grow our hemp crops, we know it was very well deserved.

There were 7 different categories, and the NZ Sock Co took home the Supreme Award for their long running contributions to the district, and we certainly thank them for keeping us warm in our gum boots!

A big congrats to all businesses nominated and to those who took home awards, we are very proud of Mid Canterbury and all we produce.