We are thrilled to announce Sophie Hawkins as this year’s recipient of the Align Farms Agriculture Scholarship!

Currently a 4th year student at Lincoln University, pursuing a Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Hons) Majoring in Environmental Management, Sophie’s passion for agriculture traces back to her childhood.

Despite not living on a farm, she has actively raised sheep with her dad at home in a vibrant farming community, where she worked for, and learned from, other farmers in the area, while fostering a deep connection to sustainable practices.

Sophie’s studies aim to bridge the gap between agriculture and environmental sustainability, showcasing her commitment to positive change. She intends to complete a Postgraduate Honours project in Animal Science, with a focus on nematode and larva behaviour in livestock.

In the future she aspires to provide direction to farmers in how to implement sustainable management practices and solutions.

Again, this year was a difficult decision as we had many outstanding applicants! It certainly gives us hope and excitement about the next generation of farmers and rural professionals coming through NZ’s Universities!

Congrats again, Sophie