Align Longfield

Longfield sits on State Highway 1, between Ealing and Hinds. The farm’s 283 effective hectares are managed by David and Kris Ring. Align purchased the farm in 2012, and completely redeveloped it – converting it to dairy, and 100% regrassing. The farm was back in business and supplying milk by July 2013.

Longfield now milks 1050 cows through a 70 Bail Rotary, with an in-shed feed system. The farm’s irrigation water is provided by Mayfield Hinds irrigation scheme and supporting groundwater.

  • Location

    Hinds, Mid Canterbury, New Zealand

  • Shed

    70 Bail Rotary with cup removers & in-shed meal system

  • Irrigation

    90% Pivot Irrigated

  • Supplementation


  • Supplies

    Westland Milk Products






Milk Solids



Farm Team

David Ring, Farm Manager

Kris Ring, Farm Manager

Kadin Reid, 2IC

Gabriela Gomes De Souza, Farm Assistant

Gabriela Gomes De Souza Farm Assistant

Amanda Costa, Farm Assistant

Amanda Costa Farm Assistant

Longfield and our regenerative study

As of the 2022-2023 season, Longfield will be operating as a regenerative farm. We’ll be taking our learnings from the Clareview conversion, helping us roll the 3-year process into just 12 months. This will provide key learnings about the most efficient and cost-effective way to transition from a conventional to a regenerative system.